Live GlumPuppet Event!


GlumPuppet Live show!

Friday, April 25th 2014

“What is GlumPuppet?” you ask.

Well, it’s another performance project of mine and it’s not exactly children’s puppet theatre (It’s PG-13 for one “F-bomb” and one severed head song). We call it “Esoteric Modern Vaudeville” and it started over the internet on YouTube (we have a channel).

About 2 years ago my friends, Drosh and Jim and I decided to flex some creative muscles and put out weekly 30 second- 2 minute videos based on a given topic. We have music and poetry and puppets included. We made over 70 before Jim passed away last year and we let it rest for a bit.

Drosh and I have since picked up the pace and we did a short live performance with music and videos (and funny furry creatures) as an opener for the band, Pocket Vinyl. We were a hit and the audience loved us! So we’ve been given an opportunity to do a full-length show and we’re going for it!

In the name of General Silliness (and he’s ordering you to see us!), we present a night of music, videos and mayhem, celebrating some of the cultural institutions many of us love: Harry Potter, Game of Thrones, Star Trek, Dr. Who, etc.

It’ll be FUN and, hey, we’re selling t-shirts too!


A Desultory Theatre Club presentation

Friday, April 25, 2014

Morrison’s Hardware
63 Water Street, Torrington, Connecticut

Tickets are $10 at the Door.
Doors open at 7:30 – Show starts at 8pm

Rated PG13 

“More fun than a bucket of thumb-in-the-eye!” ~Slappy McKean

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