Happy New Year–New GlumPuppet

Hello Peeps!
Seems I’m in a theatrical cycle at the moment gearing up for auditions and playing with puppets n stuff. Stay tuned however, there may be some more music-related events upcoming in the new year. Always hoping to catch that song gem when I pick up my pen or recorder and come out with more songs to consider for the CD I’ve got in mind.

For now, here’s the lastest GlumPuppet I’ve posted

It was inspired by the birthday present Mom got me in the fall; a ticket to see Mandy Patinkin in concert at Torrington’s Warner Theatre. He was fabulous, of course, however I had daydreamed he would have a Q&A with the audience and I’d get to ask him some questions.

Being the creative type I am, I couldn’t just ask him the typical “what was it like to play Che in Evita?” or “Could you say your famous line from Princess Bride?”  No, I have to come up with something memorable or clever that perhaps no one has asked. Also, I’m sure I might become suddenly shy, so I might need someone bold to ask for me.

From the depths of someplace comes this Mama Bear “Yente” type, who, if I asked her to ask him politely, would probably tell him he has to let me sing a duet with him then and there, but who instead has her own agenda…

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